UWN Academics and Administrators at KSU
They worked together with KSU academics and support staff in three different workshops. Staff and curriculum development group facilitated by Mr. John Roberts promoted discussion about the concept of student skills in Higher Education. This armed to stimulate initiatives to apply and develop the concept of skills to curriculum planning, delivery and assessment. Another group of KSU academics worked with Richard Clarke. The aim of this particular program was to raise the level of IT awareness and skills at KSU and to put together the initial team who will train other staff in basic IT skills. The workshops with KSU Human Resources Department facilitated by Bethan Cooper were also extremely busy and interesting. Topics covered included the successful recruitment and selection process of the new staff, selection methods, advertising the vacancy, job interviews and induction to the job. All the working sessions were very active, interesting and full of new information. Our guests attended degree ceremony held for the first time. They spent a lovely day with KSU English Studies Department, sharing the joy and happiness of the graduates and the staff. They were pretty surprised to be requested to give diplomas to some of our graduates and to make a speech. I’m sure they’ll never forget this wonderful experience.
Mr. Geoffrey Edge worked with the University senior staff. He had meetings with the Heads of the Departments, the Deans of the Faculties and with students to identify the strengths and weaknesses, the opportunities and threats for KSU, and finally to present an outline of the strategic development of the University. Mrs. Catherine Mullin worked with the International Office to help develop ALUMNI Association at KSU, and Mrs. Shan Wareing mainly continued the work at UWN and spoke of some of the new methods and approaches in teaching. She was really very impressed by what is being done at the English Studies Department. At the end of their visit the guests had a warm welcome to the English Speaking Club. They were greatly impressed by our talented students and expressed their great wish to cooperate with the English Studies Department. Let’s hope that lots of such interesting visits await us ahead. |