Outcomes of a Business Trip to Newport, the UK Rezo Robakidze, manager of the National Bank of Georgia, Kutaisi Branch |
The programme included meetings with the head of the Welsh Department of the Central Bank of England in Cardiff and visits to the branches of the banks LYOIDS TSB and HSBC during which I was introduced to the main directions of the cooperation of these branches with the Welsh Department of the Central Bank of Georgia. The most important activities of the Central Bank of England are: economic analysis of the region, its business development, financial condition, survey of the prices change and generally, the existing practice of the region’s economic analysis. After gaining this experience we began to implement this practice in Kutaisi Branch of the National bank of Georgia. Later the head office of this bank supported its realization throughout the whole country. It’s important to mention a long-standing tradition established by the Central Bank of England to issue coins with different symbols of the countries constituting the United Kingdom. Thorough study of this practice helped us to initiate introducing views of Abkhazia and South Osetia on Georgian banknotes and coins (tetri). In 2007 it became possible to issue a 200-lari banknote with views of Abkhazia.
We also
benefited a lot from studying the practice of bank service in some
commercial banks of Great Britain. As a result, 12 service-centres started
functioning in Kutaisi. Besides, from 2006 the banks of Kutaisi began to
perform functions of credit offices to expand their cooperation. |
დიდ ბრიტანეთში საქმიანი ვიზიტის შედეგები |
2004 წლის 31 ივლისიდან 7 აგვისტოს ჩათვლით ვიმყოფებოდი ქ. ქუთაისის
დელეგაციასთან ერთად დიდი ბრიტანეთისა და ირლანდიის შეერთებული სამეფოს ქ.
ნიუპორტში (უელსი) საქმიანი ვიზიტით. |