Newport-Kutaisi Twining
1. Meetings
Association held 5 general meetings and the AGM during the year. The dates
of the meetings were decided at the AGM, and varied by days, to give as much
notice as possible and hopefully to maximize the possibility of attendance
by members who might have other evening commitments. Association business
between general meetings is decided by officers, according to agreed
procedures, particularly if immediate decisions are required However the
value of the general meetings is critical and as Chair I know I speak for
other officers when I say that we value the advice and comments of members,
especially on specific projects and developing the work of the association.
2. Ariel and Land of the Colchi
5 and 6 of the Association’s journal, Ariel, were published to much critical
acclaim. Colour photographs together with a wide range of articles added to
the appeal of the publications. Please continue to support the editorial
board by submitting photos of articles, or ideas/suggestions for future
editions. Two editions of Land of the Colchi, published in Kutaisi by our
partner organization, the Kutaisi Newport International Association, were
distributed during the year. It is appropriate to note the contributions
made in each other’s journals by supporters of the twinning programme.
3. Kidnapping of Peter
The most serious setback during the year to
those working for better understanding and collaboration between the UK and
Georgia occurred with the kidnapping of Peter Shaw, a British national from
Cowbridge, working of an EU funded agro-business project in July 2002. The
Association sent a letter of concern about the kidnapping, as did some
individual members. Mr. Shaw managed to escape safely from his captives in
4. Visitors to Newport.
In July, Oliko Mugulia came to stay for
several weeks with Mrs. Sue Turnbull. Oliko had attended Basseleg High
School many years ago and is now a medical student. More recenlty, Kate
Pochkhua came to Newport in October, met Andrew Rock and married him in May
at the Newport Registry Offcie. The Association sends them our warmest
wishes for a happy life together. Egnate Sandukhadze (Tato) came to UK for
the wedding.
5. Student Scholarships
longstanding support given to the twinning project by University of Wales
College Newport has continued throughout this year. In August we said good
bye to David Mindishivili who successfully completed a years study on the
university’s MBA course as previously arranged, Mariam Melkadze (Maka)
commeneced, what was to be anj 18 month MA course in Multi media Studies at
UWCN, in October. In March, Maka took up part time employment with a local
architectural practice. After much discussion with the University and our
partner organization in Kutaisi, the Association in May of this year agreed
a Memorandum of Understanding on the Kutaisi Student Scholarship Programme.
This provides for three –year programme, which sets down the different roles
of the three collaborating organizations in an open method for the selection
and support of students from Kutaisi studying at UWCN.

6. Hospital Equipment
Association had been contacted to see whether it was possible to send any
equipment, which might be no longer needed in Newport to clinic in Kutaisi.
The Royal Gwent hospital kindly agreed to this request however there has
been a delay over deciding how the equipment should be received in Kutaisi
and in preparing it for shipping. At the time of writing this report the
equipment is being packed and after kind offers of assistance from a local
transport company, Monex and Coyne Airways, it is hoped to have it one its
way very soon.
7. Georgian Study Day
This annual event was held in Bristol (twinned
with Tbilisi) in November. A full report of the proceedings “Building
Bridges and Exchanging Cultures” appeared in Ariel 6.
8. Other twinning activities.
Association has been instrumental this year in encouraging some
collaboration between the NKTA, the Newport Heidenheim Twinning Association
and those in the city involved with twinning with Guangxi Province in China,
also twinned with Newport. It is agreed by all that sharing experiences and
ideas should be of benefit. It is hoped that the collaboration will
9. Local Democracy Agrency in Georgia.
Newport City Council and the Association were
incited by the Local Government International Bureau to attend a meeting in
December, and later in Bristol, with other British locals authorities and
twining groups involved in twinning with Georgian communities. This was to
consider a possible Council of Europe initiative to form an LDA to encourage
and facilitate better local democracy in Georgia. The discussions are still
10. Publicity
display case featuring Georgian artifacts, documents and details of the
Association has been in the Museum and Art Gallery in John Frost Square
since August 2001. The Association maintains a website at / newportkutaisita / index.phtml and leaflets
explaining our work and ideas are distributed. Some new members and contacts
are developed through this activity. Members of the NKTA as well as our
partner organization in Kutaisi have recently collaborated with David Savill
to produce a radio programme about the twinning of the two cities. It is due
to be broadcast on BBC Radio Wales on Welsh Take on Sunday July 6 at
11. Acknowledgments
I would like to take this opportunity to thank
all officers and members for their involvement in the Association’s work
this year. Any errors or omissions in this Report are my responsibility;
please contact me so that they can be noted. I wold also like to acknowledge
the continuing political and financial support given to the NKTA by Newport
City Council.
Bernard Tyson, NKTA |