Newport Doctors’ “Top Banana” Visit to Kutaisi The Kutaisi-Newport International Association keeps functioning with renewed efforts and more devotion to the enterprise despite the fact that its history records 18 years of existence. Our friends’ frequent visit from Newport and accordingly, preliminary execution of new projects can serve as a proof of association’s successful accomplishment. The Association promotes developing different areas in Kutaisi. At present, doctors from Newport appeared to be in the centre of attention. The delegation, which was represented by the three best professionals of Newport Gwent hospital, visited Kutaisi on business on June 15-19. The delegation members covered different profiles: Doctor John Davis, Physician (Radiology), Doctor Brian Stephenson, Consultant of General Surgeon, Doctor Stephen Hunter, director of Gwent Healthcare Trust and Consultant Psychiatrist. Their short-time visit entailed sufficiently busy programme. The delegation was hosted by the Kutaisi-Newport International Association together with doctors of Kutaisi Zaza Lominadze, Mamuka Mikadze, Zurab Abuladze and others. They showed high professionalism and amazingly kind hospitality to their colleagues from Newport and involved them in their clinics’ daily life. The British doctors visited several hospitals in Kutaisi: the Church Hospital, the L&J Clinic and the Gynaecological clinic “Beaumonde”. They had a chance to attend the operations and share theoretical knowledge and skills as well as practical with their colleagues. The guests were also given an opportunity to become familiar with current situations of local and state hospitals. Unlike local private hospitals, which are supplied with modern technology and employ professional doctors, the state hospitals are in high need of up-to-date equipment though they are financed by the government. The functioning of Kutaisi church hospital should be mentioned here to support the presented standpoint. The church hospital does a lot favour under the head of Metropolitan of Kutaisi and Gamenati, Kalistrate. The British guests were touched by the warmth of the welcome of Metropolitan and the medical staff. They leant about the history and the future plans of the hospital. Despite making the rapid progress, the hospital still badly needs the technological maintenance. Doctors perform miracles with outdated equipment; however, some departments are good enough to meet the modern standards. The very hospital was donated some items of modern medical equipment by the Royal Gwent Hospital, Newport in 2003. They promised to make another donation in the nearest future (namely, to send the appropriate equipment for making the biochemical analysis). The guests from Newport were very
delighted to have a possibility of meeting the Metropolitan. One of the
delegation members, Bryan Stephenson, asked the Metropolitan to give his
blessing to them. When he was waving the Georgians goodbye, he said he was
already missing this great personality.
The Kutaisi-Newport International
Association welcomed the delegation with open arms. They helped their guests
to learn a lot about the friendship between the twin cities, Kutaisi and
Newport. The delegation members had a look at the photos made during the
time the friends from Newport visited Kutaisi. The most important was when
membership cards were handed to the new members of Association: doctors Zaza
Lominadze, David Sopromadze, Nana Dzidziguri, Maia Bochorishvili, Ela
Moseshvili, Maia Bochorishvili, Lali Makaridze. The Mayor of Kutaisi, Nugzar Shamugia, strongly supports all the activities the Association instigates. Traditionally, he always plays the host to a delegation visiting the city. Therefore, it results in bettering the guests’ kind attitude to Kutaisi and promotes developing the enhanced friendly relationship for the benefit of the city. The member of KNIA expressed great gratitude to the Mayor for his help and the chair of Association handed him a certificate of thanks. The interactive presentations made by the delegation members from our sister city - Newport wrapped up their visit in Kutaisi. The meeting proved to be very productive since it enabled doctors from Kutaisi to familiarize themselves with modern methods their foreign colleagues apply and also learn about some interesting medical issues. The discussion between Newport and Kutaisi doctors was beneficial for both sides. Despite a busy schedule, the delegation members had a chance to do sightseeing of the country. They were fascinated to see Trinity, Stvetitschoveli, Bagrati, Gelati Cathedrals. Doctors of Newport Gwent Hospital got unforgettable impressions and promised that their first visit to Kutaisi was just the beginning of collaboration between health services of the sister cities. It would further the alliance in the future.
There are many times in life when words become inadequate to express oneself adequately. Nevertheless words there must be, and the development of the ELC together with the fraternity afforded by the Kutaisi-Newport Twinning Association is greatly to be admired, supported and constantly renewed. There is a deep spirit in this relationship and the symbol of language as a tool of human teaching provokes much thought. I am both privileged and honoured to have been given the opportunity to see the humility, tenacity, courage, humour, integrity and charity of the Georgian people. Our visit will always be in memories. As in the movie "Casablanca" - "This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship!" Dr. Stephen
What a warm, happy and wonderful privilege to visit your city and your country!!! Your hospitality and kindness has been more than impressive everywhere. Such visiting you in your relaxed and happy Centre has been a special joy. We only hope you can have the honour and opportunity of repaying you in Wales soon. We have had a very happy few days in your beautiful city. We thank you all very sincerely. John Davies I have little to add to my previous colleagues comments; all patients in Kutaisi are in safe hands. Dr Brian
Stephenson ნიუპორტელ მედიკოსთა "Top Banana" ვიზიტი ქუთაისში
საერთაშორისო ასოციაცია მიუხედავად არსებობის თვრამეტწლიანი ისტორიისა კიდევ
უფრო განახლებული შემართებით აგრძელებს თავის საქმიანობას, რისი დასტურიც ჩვენი
ნიუპორტელი მეგობრების ხშირი ვიზიტები და შესაბამისად, ახალი პროექტების
განხორციელების წინაპირობა გახლავთ. ასოციაცია ჩვენს ქალაქში სხვადასხვა სფეროს
განვითარებას უწყობს ხელს. ამჯერად, მედიკოსთა საზოგადოება მოექცა ყურადღების
ცენტრში, რადგან ქუთაისს საქმიანი ვიზიტით 15-19 ივნისს ნიუპორტის გვენტის
სამეფო საავადმყოფოს წამყვანი სპეციალისტები სტუმრობდნენ. დელეგაციის სამივე
წევრი განსხვავებული ვიწრო პროფილით იყვნენ წარმოდგენილნი: ექიმი ჯონ დეივისი,
ფიზიოლოგი (რადიოლოგია), ექიმი ბრაიენ სტეფენსონი, მთავარი ქირურგი, ექიმი
სტეფან ჰანტერი, გვენტის სამეფო საავადმყოფოს დირექტორი და ფსიქიატრი.
ხშირია მომენტები, როდესაც სიტყვებით არ ძალგიძს სათანადოდ გადმოსცე
გულისნადები. მიუხედავად ამისა, აუცილებლია მოიძებნოს საჭირო სიტყვები, რათა
ხოტბა შეესხას იმ საქმიანობას, რომელსაც ქუთაისი და მისი დამეგობრებული ქალაქი,
ნიუპორტი, მუდმივად განახლებული შემართებით ახოციელებს და, რომელთა
მხარდაჭერითაც ქუთაისის ინგლისური ენის ცენტრი მუდმივ წინსვლას განიცდის. ის
ღრმა სულისკვეთება და განათლების იარაღად აღებული ენის სიმბოლო, რომელიც ამ
ურთიერთობას წარმართავს, უდაოდ დაფიქრების ღირსია. ჩემთვის დიდი პატივია, რომ
მომეცა საშუალება ვზიარებოდი ქართველი ხალხის თავმდაბალი, შეუპოვარი, გამბედავი,
იუმორით აღსავსე, პირდაპირი და გულმოწყალე ბუნების მშვენიერებას. ჩვენი ვიზიტი
მეხსიერებაში წარუშლელ მოგონებად აღიბეჭდება და როგორც ფილმში “კასაბლანკა” -
ეს ბრწყინვალე მეგობრობის მხოლოდ დასაწყისი იქნება.